Routine Visits
2 - 4 Week Check
Babies are seen when they are between 2 and 4 weeks of age. At this visit we focus on baby's growth and making sure baby is eating well. Feel free to bring up any concerns you may have with your new baby at this visit. This visit is also when baby will have their second Newborn Screening test done. Your baby will have received the first test in the hospital and you will need to bring the envelope for the second test with you to this appointment (the hospital will give you the envelope/test). For more information on this test please click the link at the bottom of the page.
2 Month Check
At this visit we will check baby's weight, height, and head circumference. The doctor will discuss baby's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have.Â
Baby will also receive their first immunizations at this visit. For more information on the immunizations baby will receive please click the link at the bottom of the page.
4 Month Check
At this visit we will check baby's weight, height, and head circumference. The doctor will discuss baby's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have.Â
Baby will also receive immunizations at this visit. For more information on the immunizations baby will receive please click the link at the bottom of the page.
6 Month Check
At this visit we will check baby's weight, height, and head circumference. The doctor will discuss baby's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have. We will discuss the new things baby has learned and what to look forward to in the next few months with baby's development.
Baby will also receive immunizations at this visit. For more information on the immunizations baby will receive please click the link at the bottom of the page.
9 Month Check
At this visit we will check baby's weight, height, and head circumference as well as check baby's iron levels. This is a simple toe prick that allows us to collect a small amount of blood and then analyze the iron levels. It is important to check at this age because now that baby is eating solid foods and, therefore, drinking less breastmilk or formula, they may not be getting the recommended amount of iron. The doctor will discuss baby's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
12 Month Check
At this visit we will check baby's weight, height, and head circumference. The doctor will discuss baby's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
Baby will also receive immunizations at this visit. For more information on the immunizations baby will receive please click the link at the bottom of the page.
15 Month Check
At this visit we will check baby's weight, height, and head circumference. The doctor will discuss baby's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
Baby will also receive immunizations at this visit. For more information on the immunizations baby will receive please click the link at the bottom of the page.
18 Month Check
At this visit we will check baby's weight, height, and head circumference. The doctor will discuss baby's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
Baby will also receive immunizations at this visit. For more information on the immunizations baby will receive please click the link at the bottom of the page.
2 Year Well Child Check
At this visit we will check child's weight, and height. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
3 Year Well Child Check
At this visit we will check child's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
4 Year Well Child Check
At this visit we will check child's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
Immunizations will be given at this visit. For more information on the immunizations your child will receive please click the link at the bottom of the page.
5 Year Well Child Check (KPE)
This visit is also known as the Kindergarten Physical Examination. Although most schools no longer require a physical exam before a child starts school, we still recommend it and preform the same tests that were required. At this visit we will check child's weight, height, blood pressure, vision, hemoglobin (iron levels), and preform a urinalysis. The routine urinalysis is preformed to check glucose levels as well as overall health. Your child will need to give a urine sample when they arrive at the office. You can prepare them by explaining that we can learn a lot by testing someone's urine and that they don't need to be scared because it is just like using the bathroom at home. Only a small amount of urine is needed and we have a special container that fits in the toilet to help those that may be uneasy about urinating in a cup. (A parent is encouraged to help with this part.)
The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
6-9 Year Well Child Checks
At this visit we will check child's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones. (Please keep in mind that it is recommended that children be seen once a year, every year, even if no vaccines are due.)
10 Year Well Child Check
At this visit we will check child's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
Dr. Johnson recommends children receive their Tdap vaccine at this visit. In past years, we have seen spikes of children between the ages of 10 and 12 years contracting the pertussis virus (whooping cough). We believe this age group is more likely to get this virus because their last vaccine for pertussis (Dtap) was given at 4 or 5 years of age meaning they are due for their next vaccine. Instead of waiting until 12 years, when schools require children to receive this immunization, Dr. Johnson recommends children receive it as soon as possible (which, for this vaccine is 10 years of age).
11 Year Well Child Check
At this visit we will check child's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
Starting at age 11 we like patients to fill out a questionnaire about how they are feeling emotionally. Dr. Johnson takes children's mental health very seriously and believes it is best to start screening for things such as depression and anxiety early in adolescence.
Your child is also eligible to receive the HPV vaccine at this visit and, considering it prevents 9 types of cancer, Dr. Johnson highly recommends your child receive this vaccine. For more information please click the link at the bottom of the page.
12 Year Well Child Check
At this visit we will check child's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
Starting at age 11 we like patients to fill out a questionnaire about how they are feeling emotionally. Dr. Johnson takes children's mental health very seriously and believes it is best to start screening for things such as depression and anxiety early in adolescence.
Your child is due for vaccines at this visit. For more information, please see the link at the bottom of the page.
13-15 Year Well Child Checks
At this visit we will check child's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
16 Year Well Check
At this visit we will check child's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss your child's eating and sleeping habits and address any concerns you may have as well as go over any new milestones.
Starting at age 11 we like patients to fill out a questionnaire about how they are feeling emotionally. Dr. Johnson takes children's mental health very seriously and believes it is best to start screening for things such as depression and anxiety early in adolescence.
Your child is due for an immunization at this visit. For more information, please see the link at the bottom of the page.
17-21 Year Well Checks
At this visit we will check patient's weight, height, and blood pressure. The doctor will discuss mental health and address any other concerns. We are happy to see patients until the age of 21, they get married, or have a child of their own, whichever comes first.
Sports Physical
These are the same as a Well Child Visit/ Yearly Exam. Just bring the Sports Physical Form with you to the appointment and we will fill it out then. (We have extra forms in our office if you forget yours.) If your child already had a physical for the year and we didn't fill the form out at that time, we will fill the form out according to that visit. You can drop the form off, or email it to us and we can get it filled out in 5-10 min. It is best to have the doctor that preformed the last well visit fill out the form which is why we recommend you bring it in on a day that Dr. Johnson is in the office.Â
If your child hasn't had a well visit recently and needs their physical form filled out before we can get them in, there are many Urgent Cares and InstaCares that do walk in sports physicals. They do not bill your insurance and the charge is usually $25-40. We highly recommend that if your child receives a sports physical at one of those locations, they still come to our office for their regular physical.
Mission Physical
Please plan a minimum of 1 hour for this appointment. Upon arrival, we will need all your paperwork. You will be asked to give a urine sample. The nurse will get your height, weight, and blood pressure, as well as check your hemoglobin (finger poke), and preform a vision screening. The doctor will review your information and perform the physical part of the exam. If you are female, you will have a breast exam (a chaperone will be in the room). If you need any vaccines, the doctor will let you know, and the nurse will issue those.
Post Mission Physical
Welcome Home! Post mission physicals are not required but patients often like to have a doctor's visit after being in a foreign country, or to follow up on their care before switching to an adult doctor. We are happy to care for patients until the age of 21 (if they are already 21 when they return from their mission, we are happy to do a last visit in our office), or until the patient gets married or has a child of their own, whichever comes first.